Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Martin Luther King Jr. - Facebook Study Guide

Facebook – Martin Luther King Jr.

To be used in History and Language Arts classes. Students can explore:

• The places where he lived;

• People he was friends with;

• Family members;

• Paintings done in that time.


Facebook Template - 1 whole page

Ideas for use:

1. Biographical study (create a Facebook page for a person who lived long ago, a famous historian, scientist, etc.)

2. Introduction activity (a way to get to know your students better).

3. Specifics: Profile picture, cover photo, places worked, places studied, lived, birth date, gender, short bio, status update, "check-ins“, friends list.

(COPY and PASTE the PHOTOS in Slides 5 and 6 to a Word Document or Paint.)


"I love this resource! I used it with my 5th-8th grade students on the first day of therapy to get to know them. They loved it. It was a great way to build rapport since social media and technology is so prevalent in their lives these days!"