This blog contains a series of movie segments and ESL games to be used to brainstorm, warm up, follow up, and activate schemata, preparing the students for the topic that will be discussed in class. Here you will find the segments, the lesson plans, and varied topics to foster conversation. You may use the activities for a full two-hour class or they can be used separately to brainstorm or wrap up the topic, focusing on conversation, vocabulary and listening comprehension.
This is a fun
project for students to practice real world math. Your students will use area,perimeter, and critical thinking skills to
design a layout for a zoo. Students should already befamiliarwith the
conceptsof area andperimeter before workingon this project.
•Useit asa wholeclass projectto wrapup your areaand perimeterunit.
•Allowstudentswhohavemastered areaandperimeterto workonitindependentwhile
youworkin small groups with students who need extra help.
•Have students keep a math project in their folder to
work on when they finish other tasksearly.
•The art extension projects are great for the end of the
year, after “the test,” or can even beusedacreative
homeprojects. Itried toinclude anice varietyso thatstudents wouldhave an interestingchoice,but youmayalso havestudentssuggest theirownproject
The film The Time Traveler’s Wife is delightfully enjoyable
and brimming with ingenuity. The entire concept is highly captivating, and the
intriguing outset is truly superb. I used two sequences from the movie to
provide students with an opportunity to exercise the second conditional tense
in a creative and situationally contextualized manner.
Time Travel: the idea of traveling into the past or the
I. Work with a
friend. Write down your answers to the questions:
you like to time travel? Why (not)?
I ______________________ because ______________________.
would the consequences of time travel be?
If people could time travel, _________________________________.
you change anything about your past?
If I could change anything about my past, I __________________.
about history? Would you change anything? What would you do to change it?
I could change anything in history, I ____________________.
II. Watch the 1st
segment and talk to a friend about the questions that follow.
1. What happened in the segment?
2. Why did he decide to go back in time to talk to himself
as a child?
3. What do you think will happen next?
III. Watch the 2nd
segment now. Then answer the questions. Write down your answers and use the 2nd
1. If you could go back in time, would you choose the person
you wanted to marry and make her love you? Why (not)?
If I ______________________, I ______________________
2. Would you do what he did if you were the main character
of the movie? Why (not)?
If I ______________________, I _______________________
3. Would life be better or worse if people could travel in
time? Why?
If people __________________, _________________________
IV. Rank the periods
that, if you could time travel, you would visit first, second, or never.
Justify your answer.
() Prehistoric Age
() 0 BC - Jesus Christ era
() 1800's
() A few years ago
() The 60's
( ) 20 years in the future
() 100 years in the future.
() 500 years in the future.
V. Choose a time period
and prepare a speech to share with the rest of the class. Follow the model below.
Make sure you use the 2nd conditional.
If I could travel across time, first I
______________________________ because ____________. Second, I
_____________________ beacause ____________, and finally I
_____________________ because _____________. However, I _____________ (never)
Thanksgiving: Free
Birds, Pieces of April & The Ice Storm
Thanksgiving is not a popular holiday in some countries, so
it is always profitable to insert cultural perspectives into the lessons. Many
ESL students learned a lot about this holiday and had fun doing it.
Here you will
find some information about Thanksgiving.
In groups,
decide if the statements are True or False. The group or student who scores
most points is the winner.
( )
Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated primarily in
the United States and Canada.
( )
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the same day in both
the US and Canada.
( )
Thanksgiving Day is also celebrated in Leiden, the
( )
Thanksgiving in the United States has been
celebrated on various different dates throughout history.
( )
In the West African country of Liberia, Thanksgiving
is celebrated on the first Thursday of November.
( )
Thanksgiving day originated in America.
( )
It is traditional for families and groups of friends
to get together for a large breakfast.
( )
Traditional food often consists of a turkey,
stuffing, different types of potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, other seasonal
( )
Pumpkin pie is a traditional Thanksgiving dish.
( )
Thanksgiving Day parades are held in some cities and
towns on or around Thanksgiving Day
Answer key:
1. T;
2. F
(in the United States, Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Thursday of
November. In Canada it is celebrated on the second Monday in October);
3. T;
4. T; 5. T; 6. T;
7. F
(a large meal, usually dinner or lunch);
8. T;
9. T; 10. T;
II. Watch the
segment from the movie Free Birdsand talk
about the following questions:
1.What is the turkey's point of view about Thanksgiving food?
2.What Thanksgiving
symbols did you see in the segment?
3.How do vegetarians celebrate Thanksgiving in your country?
III. Watch the
segment from the great movie Pieces of April and discuss the questions:
Jeopardy! is an American television game show created by Merv Griffin. The show features a quiz competition in which contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the form of answers, and must phrase their responses in the form of questions.
In this Power Point version, we produced a set of five categories related to the Thanksgiving Day. The categories are Food, Traditions, Symbols, General Information and Surprise.
Take some time to have a lot of fun with your students with this amazing interactive game. Your students will love playing it and would gain knowledge naturally.
You can have a sample on how to play the game watching a sample on YouTube.
1. Play individually or in groups.
2. Pick a category and a point value.
3. Click on the chosen box for the question.
4. Students must give the answer in the form of a question before clicking again.
5. To see if a student or group is correct, click again for the answer.
In this footage, Mike (Finn Wolfhard) is having dinner with
his family and his parents tell him that he has to collect a two boxes of toys
for donation. Michael complains about the quantity and his parents list all the
wrong things that he has done recently.
Get a full English Language e-book for Stranger Things
Season 02 and also for this scene at:
All the activities
in this booklet have been tried, tested an enjoyed by students and teachers
alike. They are suitable for use in all teaching situations – including mixed
ability classes – or they can be given as homework tasks.
A small clock on
each page tells you approximately how long each activity should take. In
addition to that, there are some icons showing what materials are needed to
perform the activity.
Stranger Things is set in the fictional rural town of Hawkins, Indiana, during the early 1980s. The nearby Hawkins National Laboratory ostensibly performs scientific research for the United States Department of Energy, but secretly does experiments into the paranormal and supernatural, including those that involve human test subjects. Inadvertently, they have created a portal to an alternate dimension, "the Upside Down". The influence of the Upside Down starts to affect the unknowing residents of Hawkins in calamitous ways.
The first season begins in November 1983, when Will Byers is abducted by a creature from the Upside Down. His mother, Joyce, and the town's police chief, Jim Hopper, search for Will. At the same time, a young psychokinetic girl called Eleven escapes from the laboratory and assists Will's friends, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas, in their own efforts to find Will.
The second season is set a year later, starting in October 1984. Will has been rescued, but few know of the details of the events. When it is discovered that Will is still being influenced by entities from the Upside Down, his friends and family learn there is a larger threat to their universe from the Upside Down.
The third season is set several months later, in the days leading up to the Fourth of July celebration in 1985. The new Starcourt Mall has become the center of attention for Hawkins' residents, putting most other stores out of business. Hopper becomes increasingly concerned about Eleven and Mike's relationship while still trying to care for Joyce. Unbeknownst to the town, a secret Soviet laboratory under Starcourt seeks to open the gateway to the Upside Down, allowing the entities from the Upside Down to possess people in Hawkins and creating a new horror to deal with.
Stranger Things (4th) fourth season – Netflix: "Chapter One: The Hellfire Club". Date to be announced.
Stranger Things Opening Song / Music
The Stranger Things original soundtrack was composed by Michael Stein and Kyle Dixon of the electronic band Survive. It makes extensive use of synthesizers in homage to 1980s artists and film composers including Jean-Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Goblin, John Carpenter, Giorgio Moroder, and Fabio Frizzi.
Cast and characters
Winona Ryder as Joyce Byers.
David Harbour as Jim Hopper.
Finn Wolfhard as Mike Wheeler.
Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven / Jane Hopper ("El").
Gaten Matarazzo as Dustin Henderson.
Caleb McLaughlin as Lucas Sinclair.
Natalia Dyer as Nancy Wheeler.
Charlie Heaton as Jonathan Byers.
Cara Buono as Karen Wheeler.
Shannon Purser as Barbara Holland (season 1), Nancy's friend.
Matthew Modine as Martin Brenner (season 1; recurring season 2)
Noah Schnapp as Will Byers (seasons 2–present; recurring season 1).
Sadie Sink as Max Mayfield (seasons 2–present).
Joe Keery as Steve Harrington (seasons 2–present; recurring season 1).
Dacre Montgomery as Billy Hargrove (seasons 2–3).
Sean Astin as Bob Newby (season 2; guest season 3).
Paul Reiser as Sam Owens (season 2; guest season 3).
Maya Hawke as Robin Buckley (season 3–present).
Priah Ferguson as Erica Sinclair (season 3–present; recurring season 2).
Brett Gelman as Murray Bauman (season 4; recurring seasons 2–3).
"I love this resource! I used it with my 5th-8th grade students on the first day of therapy to get to know them. They loved it. It was a great way to build rapport since social media and technology is so prevalent in their lives these days!"
"I love this resource! I used it with my 5th-8th grade students on the first day of therapy to get to know them. They loved it. It was a great way to build rapport since social media and technology is so prevalent in their lives these days!"
"I'll Be There for You" is a song recorded by the American duo The Rembrandts. It is best known as the theme song to the American sitcom Friends, which premiered in September 1994 and ended in May 2004. The song was also released as the first single from the group's third studio album LP, reaching the top 10 in Australia, New Zealand, and Norway, as well as in Ireland and the United Kingdom in both 1995 and 1997. In Canada, the song reached number one for five weeks and was the highest-selling single of 1995, while in the United States, the song reached number 17 on the Billboard Hot 100 and topped the Billboard Hot 100 Airplay chart for eight weeks. Source: Wikipedia
Although the Avengers Endgame trailer does not reveal a ton of new footage, it does contain a lot of compelling dialogue. What's cool about all of the new quotes are that they seem to be revealing a few potential plot points. We think that Marvel is going to keep things completely on the down low from here on out. So, it is safe to assume that the trailer's dialogue is our best shot at figuring out what's going on in the movie. Check out in the ESL Activity the list to see the trailer's best quotes and what they mean! #endgame #Avengers
John Nolan is a forty year old man who, after witnessing a bank robbery in his small town, packs up his entire life to move to Los Angeles and becomes a cop. His assignment to the force is met with skepticism from his fellow officers, particularly his watch commander, Sergeant Wade Gray, and his training officer Talia Bishop. Nolan's first few days as a cop are marked by a domestic dispute that quickly escalates out of hand (during which Nolan witnesses his first death), an unbalanced father who leaves his child in a locked car on a hot day, and an escaped felon who quickly tests Nolan in ways he never expected. Also joining Nolan as rookie officers are Jackson West, son of a high ranking LAPD officer and eager to live up to the legacy, and Lucy Chen, who became a cop against the wishes of her therapist parents and is carrying on a secret affair with Nolan despite the risk it poses to her career. Gray informs Nolan that he will do everything in his power to discourage him from continuing to serve, as he fears that Nolan's inexperience and age will endanger the lives of his officers. >>> STRANGER THINGS E-BOOK<<<