Download the booklet HERE!
All the activities
in this booklet have been tried, tested an enjoyed by students and teachers
alike. They are suitable for use in all teaching situations – including mixed
ability classes – or they can be given as homework tasks.
A small clock on
each page tells you approximately how long each activity should take. In
addition to that, there are some icons showing what materials are needed to
perform the activity.
A 'Dat In my
Life' Game - Boarding Game
· Colors - Write
and color
How many cats can
you find? - Numbers and color
Numbers and Colors - Numbers and color
The Mystery Ship
- Vocabulary puzzle
Chase the
Cheetah! - Numbers
Weekend Plans-
Making plans and numbers
Hobbies - Hobbies
and color
Supermarket Maze
- Boarding Game and Quantities
Welcome to
Sillyville - Write and color
Nature Watch
Memory Test - Memory Game and color
The History
Puzzle - Word Puzzle
Pancake Day -
Write instructions and cooking